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Engaging with Boudon
jeudi 27 juin 2024 | 09:30 – samedi 29 juin 2024 | 18:30 CEST
Engaging with Boudon: Insights for Contemporary Sociological Science
International symposium
Maison de la Recherche, Amphithéâtre Georges Molinié (D035)

Organising Committee
Gérald Bronner (Sorbonne University, Gemass)
Nathalie Bulle (CNRS, Gemass)
Pierre Demeulenaere (Sorbonne University, Gemass)
Michel Dubois (CNRS, Gemass)
Alexandra Frénod (CNRS, Gemass)
Gianluca Manzo (Sorbonne University, Gemass)
Georgie Milard (CNRS, Gemass)
Almost eleven years after Boudon’s passing, Engaging with Boudon proposes a new systematic assessment of Boudon’s scientific legacy for today social theory and empirical research as well as for teaching sociology.
The symposium brings together scholars from different generations who accepted to engage with Boudon’s specific pieces of work in order to assess how the main ideas developed in the chosen pieces are currently at work in contemporary sociological research.
The selected pieces to be commented on cover all main topics and research areas in which Raymond Boudon’s landmarks can be reasonably found, including the methodology of generative models and numerical simulations, the sociology of social stratification, the sociology of social change, the sociology of values and beliefs, the theory of action and of rationality, as well as the history of sociological thought.
Thursday 27th June
Pierre-Michel Menger (Collège de France and Académie des sciences morales et politiques)
9h30 – Introduction
Foundations and Tools
Session chaired by Pierre Demeulenaere (Sorbonne University, Gemass)
Peter Hedström (University of Linköping)
10:00−10:25 – Generative Models & Analytical Sociology
Lucas Sage (European University Institute)
10:35−11:00 – Statistics, Mathematics and Computation
11:10 – Break
François Héran (Collège de France)
11:30−11:55 – Structures and Structuralism
Delia Baldassarri (New York University)
12:05−12:30 – Game Theory, Strategic Action, and Social Structure
13:00 – Lunch
Social Mobility
Session chaired by Gianluca Manzo (Sorbonne University, Gemass)
Richard Breen (Oxford University)
14:30−14:55 – Inequality of Educational Opportunity
Gunn E. Birkelund (University of Oslo)
15:05−15:30 – Inequality of Social Opportunity
15:40 – Break
Louis-André Vallet (CNRS, Gemass)
16:00−16:25 – On the Relationship between Inequality of Educational Opportunity and Inequality of Social Opportunity: A Reassessment of the Third Section of « L’inégalité des chances » (1973)
Andreas Diekmann (ETH, Zürich)
16:35−17:00 – Boudon’s Mobility Model. Game Theory and Empirical Evidence
18:00 – Cocktail → Campus des Cordeliers, 15 rue de l’École de Médecine Paris 6e
Friday 28th June
Types of Theories
Session chaired by Gérald Bronner (Sorbonne University, Gemass)
Hartmut Esser (Mannheim University)
09:30−09:50 – Middle-Range Theorizing
Emily Erikson (Yale University)
10:05−10:30 – Social Dynamics
10:40 – Break
Filippo Barbera (University of Turin)
11:00−11:25 – Types of Sociology
Nathalie Bulle (CNRS, Gemass)
11:35−12:00 – Methodological Individualism and Macro‑Sociological Research: A Discussion of Boudon’s Insights
12:30 – Lunch
Rationality and Values
Session chaired by Michel Dubois (CNRS, Gemass)
Werner Raub (Utrecht University)
14:30−14:55 – Coleman’s Problem and Boudon’s Solution: Rational Choice Theory as a Tool for Sociology
Max Haller (University of Graz)
15:05−15:30 – Macroscopic Changes in the Distribution of Values
Pierre Demeulenaere (Sorbonne University, Gemass)
15:40−16:05 – Rationality, Reasons and Transsubjective Relevance
16:15 – Break
Simon Langlois (Université Laval)
16:30−16:55 – Relativism
Gérald Bronner (Sorbonne University, Gemass)
17:05−17:30 – Was Raymond Boudon too Optimistic about Rationality and Values?
Jörg Stolz (University of Lausanne)
09:30−09:50 – Boudon and the Extraterrestrials. A Generative Model of the Emergence of a Religion
Fernando San Antonio & Francisco J. Miguel (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona)
10:05−10:30 – Teaching Sociology and the History of Sociology
10:40 – Break
Stephen Turner (University of South Florida)
11:00−11:25 – Boudon on Tocqueville
Michel Dubois (CNRS, Gemass)
11:35−12:00 – The Transnational Circulation of a Scientific Ethos for Sociology: lessons from the Raymond Boudon’s correspondence
Gianluca Manzo (Sorbonne University, Gemass)
12:10−12:30 – Conclusion
Groupe d’étude des méthodes de l’analyse sociologique de la Sorbonne (Gemass)
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